They Will Always Blame You.

Roe v. Wade will be overturned on Biden’s watch. And it’s Twitter’s fault, apparently.

1 min readMay 3, 2022

Today is probably not a good day for you. The Supreme Court has decided to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and we are about to see a wave of new anti-abortion legislation throughout this country. Expect abortion to become outright illegal and punishable by jail time.

But who is to blame for this complete political fumble? A rational person would probably look to the political party that is currently in control of the government. But that’s not correct, at least according to Christine Pelosi, daughter of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Who’s to blame? Berniebros.

Keep in mind that her mother has openly stated that anti-abortion Democrats should be welcomed into the party and, at this moment, is campaigning for a pro-life Democrat in Texas. An irony not lost in the comments:

The moral of the story is that the Democratic Party is occupied and run by the most cowardly scum on this planet. They are incapable of doing the actual work of politics. All the solutions involve you voting for their party, and when they inevitably fail, it’s because the people didn’t vote hard enough.

I despise these people and I despise the fact that I ever voted for any of their ghouls.

